Panic Alarm Systems: What you Should Know

Panic alarm systems can be essential in a wide variety of Security Solutions as well as Medical Settings. So, read everything that you should know about these products below.

What is a Panic Alarm System?

Any button or device that can send an alert to a monitoring centre, security team, or the police can be considered part of a panic alarm system. Usually composed of a double press internal button and a communication system, these alarms notify an external party about any dangerous situation emerging in your facility.

Are there different types?

When it comes to panic alarm systems, devices can either be wired or wireless and can feature a wide range of buttons or code pads for signalling distress or Staff Attacks. However, the two main types of panic buttons can be split between silent and audible alarms.

Silent alarms work by subtly calling the police or an emergency response team to avoid drawing unwanted attention. These makes them more popular against intruders and in the Home Security Market. Audible alarms, on the other hand, sound a loud siren when activated. This is designed to alert people within a closer proximity, or to act as a barrier before sending out emergency responders.

When are they used?

Typically, panic alarm systems are used when:

  • Someone has broken into your house or property
  • A medical emergency has occurred (in a hospital or care home, for instance)
  • There is danger of someone being harmed

Are they similar to Nurse Call Systems?

As panic alarms are frequently utilised in medical settings, they can be seen as comparable to nurse call systems. Whilst panic alarms tend to alert the emergency services of an external danger, nurse systems are used internally within healthcare facilities. They serve the same function, however, as nurse call buttons notify staff of medical emergencies. Thus, Panic Alarms for Healthcare make up a crucial area of Care Communications.

Should I have one?

Panic alarm systems can be a useful home or Commercial Security Solution for anyone. If it’s kept in a logical place, such as under a bedstand or desk, then it can provide excellent peace of mind and improve your building safety.

Of course, if you’re in the medical profession, then Nurse Call Buttons are even more important. Given the wide nature of medical emergencies that wards can face, response times and alertness can be essential to saving lives. That’s why Our Nurse Call Systems offer state-of-the-art functionality and security system integration, so that any healthcare facility can have a solution that works for everyone.

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