Innovative Gas Suppression Technology To Protect Sensitive Equipment From Fire

At Johnson Controls, we understand the challenges of fitting gas fire suppression systems in areas that house business-critical, sensitive equipment. For these applications, it’s crucial that you protect your assets with a reliable solution.

Our response is twofold: time-proven gas suppression agents that leave no residue and are safe to use around your business assets.

Clean, Reliable Fire Safety

If you have a particularly sensitive area of your facility to protect, choosing a fire suppression method that doesn’t damage your fragile equipment or valuable business assets is vital.

Gas suppression works as a fire suppressant by introducing a gaseous agent into the area of the fire, reducing the oxygen concentration in the air that the fire needs to burn.

This fire suppression method doesn’t leave any residue like other extinguishers and protects your assets from side effects like water damage that may occur with other suppression methods.

Some applications where gas suppression systems are highly effective solutions include:

  • Server rooms
  • Clean rooms
  • Medical facilities and laboratories
  • Museums, libraries and historical archives
  • Cold storage facilities
  • Offshore rigs and marine vessels

The Benefits Of Choosing Gas Suppression

In areas of a building where using water to automatically extinguish fires is not practical, gas suppression systems are an ideal solution. There are many benefits to installing gaseous-based systems, including:

Rapid and Reliable Fire Suppression

Our gas suppression systems are designed for swift action, rapidly extinguishing fires to minimise damage and downtime. Time is of the essence when it comes to protecting sensitive equipment, and our technology ensures that fires are promptly addressed, minimising potential losses.

Flexibility for Tailored Solutions

We understand that each protected area has unique requirements, and our gas suppression systems offer flexible design options to meet those specific needs. Our experts can tailor your gas suppression system to ensure optimal protection, whether it's a data centre, server room, or any other sensitive area.

Preserving Equipment and Materials

The safety of your sensitive equipment and valuable materials is our priority. Johnson Controls' gas suppression technology leaves no residue after activation, ensuring that your assets remain intact and unaffected by the fire suppression process.

Optimise Space And Network Efficiency

Our advanced gas suppression technology empowers engineers to reduce the system's footprint and complexity, resulting in a more efficient and less intrusive installation.

The size of the pipe network can also be streamlined, offering seamless integration into your facility without compromising your building’s fire protection capabilities.

Choosing The Right Gas Suppression System

We have developed a diverse range of gas suppression systems tailored to a variety of applications:

Two female hospital nurses smiling at each other while a doctor walks by them

Suppression Systems Case Study - Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield

The Royal Hallamshire Hospital, part of the Sheffeld Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust needed to protect their main electrical switchroom and chose Johnson Controls to install their gas suppression system.

Learn More

Partner With The Leaders in Gas Suppression

When it comes to protecting your sensitive equipment and critical assets, trust Johnson Controls for cutting-edge gas suppression solutions. Our proven agents and innovative technology ensure rapid fire response, flexible customisation, and residue-free protection.

Contact us using the form below to discuss your gas suppression system requirements with our experienced experts.

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