- Johnson Controls
- Oil and Gas
- Fire and ESD Safety Systems
- Flame Detection
Flame Detection
Protecting Vital Assets With Fast, Reliable and Accurate Detection
High hazard industries such as oil & gas, petrochemical and power generation provide vital resources globally. These assets demand best in-class fire protection products as do many other industries where hydrocarbons are processed or stored on site or where the processes involved are subject to high risk of fire.
Solutions must be easy to implement and stay ahead of the curve. The range of applications where flame detectors are used are diverse and can vary from an onshore oil refinery to an offshore drilling platform.
Fast Acting
A fire can cause major damage to a facility leading to extended loss of production and costly repairs. Fast detection of a fire means action can be taken before extensive damage takes place.
The choice of infrared (IR) array and enhanced triple IR solar blind technologies minimise unwanted alarms.
Hazardous Explosive Atmospheres
Our flame detectors are approved for the protection of dust and gas hazards for all area classifications so the same detectors can be used in all areas of a facility, thereby simplifying the design, installation and servicing processes.
MZX Infra-Red Flame detection offers unrivalled performance where hydrocarbon based fires exists. IR detection is less susceptible to radiation inhibitors than is UV, being able to detect through oil mist, smoke and vapour, all of which can be commonly associated with fires involving fuels. They are also less prone to false alarms from background radiation sources.
Infra red (IR) sensors are tuned to a bandwidth typical of the radiation emitted from carbon dioxide which is present in hydrocarbon fires. Single channel detectors are set to a fixed frequency and then rely on flame flicker, whereas triple channel detectors can monitor frequencies above and below the fire threshold filtering background radiation from non-fire sources. Array based IR detectors use 256 sensors making them sensitive yet extremely stable. The array can be configured to ignore hot spots such as exhausts, flues and flame stacks. The detector in addition to all other approvals is IEC61508, (SIL2) approved.
Some models can also incorporate a CCTV camera within the detector housing, providing real time images of the incident. All of the above detector types are available within the MZX range covering all categories of risks.